Cyclone Festival of Cycling, an event for riders of all abilities and ages

Cyclone Festival of Cycling

12 Treherne Road, High West Jesmond, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne NE2 3NP

+44 (0)7710 635514

Tyne 6 Bridges - New HQ Location

Tyne 6 Bridges - New HQ Location

May 13, 2024 | 2months | GENERAL

We've been busy working on the Tyne 6 Bridges event and making a few important changes.

Firstly, we have changed the location of the event HQ, from where your ride will begin on Friday 5th July. The new location is Newburn Activity Centre, Grange Road, Newburn, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE15 8ND.

We have moved to this location because it offers us a better environment in which to start the event, with more space, more free parking, better on-site facilities and better accessibility.

The new location means that the two Tyne 6 Bridges rides have changed as well:

15 Mile route: The longer ride (15 miles), is substantially unchanged, except that you will be starting at the upstream (western) end of the ride, not the downstream (eastern) end. The Millennium Bridge, which was previously at the end of the ride, will now be the turning point, where you move from the south shore of the Tyne to the north shore, for your journey back to the event HQ.

7 Mile route: The shorter route is now both slightly shorter (was 10 miles) and now avoids the city-centre riverside trails, focusing on the quiet upstream routes around Newburn and Blaydon. This makes is an even more accessible route for very young riders and riders who as just starting cycling, or returning after a break from cycling.

As ever, your entry gives you access to both options and you can choose on the night (and even mid-ride) which route you prefer.

You can view both new routes here

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