Sponsor the 2025 Cyclone
January 29, 2024 | 1year | GENERAL
This makes it accessible to thousands of cyclists and spectators of all ages. Since its inception, the Cyclone’s non-competitive events have attracted over 40,000 participants, who have collectively raised over £5.75 million for charity, ridden over 3.5 million miles in the festival’s events and brought in over £16 million to the local economy (figures supplied by Northumbria Tourism).
The Festival Day-By-Day
Sunday 15th June: Cyclone Gravel Rides
The Cyclone Gravel rides provide cycling opportunities for all abilities, with a shorter "family" ride, suitable for all ages and abilities (over-10), plus two longer options. All the rides are on a stunning 5 mile loop through a beautiful forest, including moorland and riverside sections.
Saturday Evening 5th July: River Tyne Family Rides
(8 and 14 miles), two beautiful semi-rural routes following the Tyne on Sustrans’ traffic-free cycle routes. Ideal for families, children and leisure cyclists.
(37, 65, 93 & 109 miles), starting from Newcastle Falcon’s stadium. All routes are meticulously planned and riders get up to four “feeds” plus mechanical and 1st aid support. The four routes accommodate riders of all ages and abilities, whilst highlighting the beauty of the Northumbrian Countryside and bringing welcome income to the villages through which they pass. Ideal for cyclists who enjoy a challenge, with many younger participants tackling the shorter distances.
Sunday 17th August: The Races
The Curlew Cup women’s race (9am) and the Beaumont Trophy men’s race (1.15pm). Both part of British Cycling’s prestigious National Road Series, both attracting Olympians and other leading riders.
Long-Term Sustainability
Although not-for-profit, the Cyclone’s future depends on finding a sustainable funding model. Although well-established and with a loyal following from the cycling community, the event’s ambitions to continue to grow and engage more of North East England’s population in cycling, are dependent on secure, long-term financial support from funding partners. Sustainability, growth and secure funding are all inter-linked.
The Event Organiser’s Vision
The Cyclone’s founder and organiser, Peter Harrison has spent a lifetime in cycling, working within the industry and within the sport for many years. He has worked within the GB Team and has organised some of the UK’s most famous cycle races, including two national championships. He currently runs a cycle business in Newcastle and cycles regularly with his local club. He is also a tireless advocate of the North East as a cycling destination, with its magnificent landscapes and unrivalled network of quiet country roads. His knowledge of the cycling landscape is second to none and the Cyclone is his personal project to put something back into the sport and pass on his passion for the health and wellbeing benefits of cycling to fresh generations of cyclists.
A Regional Festival
The whole area becomes a cycling festival during the Cyclone Challenge Rides. Northumberland’s towns and villages turning out to spectate, support and, in many cases, take part in the event. The Cyclone Festival is a contemporary North-East event like no other, bringing together the beauty and tradition of the area, the fitness and sporting ambition of youthful athletes and the thirst for adventure, fitness and new experiences of the country's growing cycling public.
The event is also a major fund-raising opportunity for the area with village halls throwing their doors open to welcome hungry and thirsty cyclists with an amazing array of home-made delights. The event markets itself as an opportunity to enjoy the culinary delights of the area as much as the wonderful road network. From tray bakes to pork pies, via biscuits, sandwiches, coffee and tea, the riders are treated to a wonderfully ad-hoc menu of local cooking. Meanwhile, the local pubs and inns don’t miss out, either, with hot, thirsty riders stopping off for a refreshing drink in a number of villages.Event Statistics and Information
• 150,000 unique users on event website - www.cyclonecycling.com
• 10,000 registered subscribers to our regular Festival e-newsletters
• 3400 followers & 3400 likes of the Festival's Facebook Page
• 3367 followers on X / Twitter @CycloneFestival
• 1542 followers on Instagram @cyclonefestival
• Television: The 2017 Curlew Cup was televised on Eurosport/British Cycling. The 2018 Curlew Cup and Beaumont Trophy we both national championship events and were televised live. In 2019 both races were national series events and highlights programmes were televised on Eurosport & YouTube.
• £16 million: The Festival's estimated contribution to the NE’s economy since 2007
• Over 5.75 million: The estimated amount raised for charity in the Challenge Rides
• 3.5 million: The estimated miles ridden by riders in the Cyclone Challenge Rides (2007-2019)
• 38,000: The number of participants in the Cyclone Challenge Rides since 2007
• £0: Profits – the festival is run on a not-for-profit basis
Let’s Chat
As well as some outstanding headline sponsorship opportunities, we are also able to offer a number of other co-sponsorship and partnership and product-placement packages.
For an informal chat about the Sponsorship options available.
Call us on 07710 635514
email info@cyclonecycling.com